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Truong Sa, Binh ThanhTr, Ho Chi Minh City [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Cozy studio apartment for rent in Binh Thanh...
If you’ve walked around Downtown HCMC lately, you’ll see plenty of rental modern towers rising higher than some in District 4. nevertheless, we...
[IMG] Located along the Hanoi Highway in District 2, Masteri Thao Dien is strategically built close to major thoroughfares and offers incredible...
Find a room in your interested building for rent in a few days. There are many locals offering extra rooms for rent in their...
How to Negotiate a Delayed Rent Payment while you are renting an apartment in Ho Chi Minh City Let the landlord know about your situation asap...
What to request? You will have with a number of different condo for rent in Ho Chi Minh, leading you to have plenty of questions, the first of...
HCMC lease Rate: Planning and budgeting for a relocation is no easy task, as estimating the “costs of living” in a foreign city can be a wildly...
Leasing an apartment in Ho Chi Minh city can be a daunting task. Now you’ve caught up on what life in Saigon is like, and where the best places to...
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